სამხატვრო გალერეა

Galleria Dante

29 ადგილობრივი უწევს რეკომენდაციას,
269 Basilio Badillo
Puerto Vallarta, Jal.
Zona Romántica

რჩევები ადგილობრივებისგან

July 27, 2016
beautiful pieces of art
Ana Karen
July 3, 2017
One of the best in PV
September 11, 2014
An amazing gallery just to visit or to shop with a wine tasting bar upstairs.
Isabelle And Ralph
January 7, 2022
Galería Dante is a huge art gallery with amazing art. There's also an excellent restaurant, Di Vino Dante, inside the gallery.
November 15, 2018
The proprietor, Claire Guarniere, is very friendly and helpful. My sister and I both purchased bronze sculptures here. The gallery has so many paintings and sculptures it is almost like going to a museum. There is a courtyard full of sculptures. The prices are much lower than you would encounter in the U.S.

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