

40 ადგილობრივი უწევს რეკომენდაციას,

რჩევები ადგილობრივებისგან

March 5, 2018
Not everyone's favourite, but if you would like to try Pie and mash it is a traditional London working-class food, originating in London. Pie, mash and eel shops have been in London since the 19th century M.Manze was established in 1902 by Michele Manze - the present owners' Grandfather. They serve traditional Pie and Mash and Eels (jellied or stewed), in authentic surroundings. At Manzes, we still use the same recipes today for the pies and liquor as were used in 1902, the only changes made have been to improve quality and to meet the higher food standards of today.
Not everyone's favourite, but if you would like to try Pie and mash it is a traditional London working-class food, originating in London. Pie, mash and eel shops have been in London since the 19th century M.Manze was established in 1902 by Michele Manze - the present owners' Grandfather. They serve…
October 14, 2016
Original Pie & Mash and jellied eels! Real part of living in North or East London. The flat was actually originally built for the Manze family and the shop used the same shared entrance for supplies etc.
Adam And Christel
October 11, 2014
This is one of London's original pie & mash shops.
August 26, 2022
Now this isn’t for everyone! It’s a beautiful 1927 pie and eel house! The decor is in keeping with the era and is a favourite amounts south east Londoners (including Chris) Does a traditional pie and mash
September 23, 2015
Real local authentic Pie and Mash shop! Cant visit london with out eating it.

დროის გატარების უნიკალური ვარიანტები ახლომახლო

ლონდონის საოცარი სასახლეები და პარლამენტი
Სულისშემძვრელი სამოგზაურო მოგონებები - მულტილოკაცია ლონდონის ფოტოგადაღება
ლონდონის ღირსშესანიშნაობების საფეხმავლო ტური

ადგილობრივების რჩევები

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87 Tower Bridge Rd
London, England