
The City Bakery

39 ადგილობრივი უწევს რეკომენდაციას,
მუდმივად დაკეტილია

რატომ გირჩევენ მას ადგილობრივები

The high-end bakery in Union Square is known for their breakfast pretzel croissants—don’t knock ’em till you try ’em—and light lunches. But they're really famous for their hot chocolate and pastries like muffins and scones. The chocolate chip cookie is the bomb, too. Make sure you get the homemade marshmallow in your hot chocolate! The marshmallow just about fits in the mug!
February 16, 2017

რჩევები ადგილობრივებისგან

May 21, 2014
Great to pop in and grab a pretzel croissant or their famous hot chocolate. Have baked goods that fit some dietary restrictions and also have a savory food bar too. A little pricey but worth it.
Former Member
October 23, 2012
An excellent, casual NY dining experience. Fun people watching, relaxed scene, special baked goods. "New York's Best Hot Chocolate." A breakfast and lunch buffet in the back. Sit upstairs.
January 22, 2012
great place for lunch famous for their croissants and marshmallow hot chocolate nice indulgence while you shop on 5th avenue
August 18, 2011
pop down for am coffee and don't miss their pretzel croissants!
April 30, 2016
Great for coffee and breakfast, classic New York spot with great coffee. Try the pretzel croissants when they are fresh!

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3 W 18th St
New York, NY