თეატრალური სივრცე

Market Theatre

16 ადგილობრივი უწევს რეკომენდაციას,

რჩევები ადგილობრივებისგან

December 11, 2018
Experience good quality music played by different seasonal and we'll established bands and musicians including actors who perform live shows.
February 2, 2016
Iconic Johannesburg theatre with regular great local and international productions.
January 23, 2016
Great theatre, Lab and Drama School
January 19, 2016
The Market Theatre, based in the vibrant inner-city suburb of Newtown in Johannesburg, South Africa, was opened in 1976, operating as an independent, non-racial theatre during the country’s apartheid
May 7, 2021
The Market Theatre, based in the downtown bohemian suburb of Newtown in Johannesburg, South Africa, was opened in 1976, operating as an independently, anti-racist theatre during the country's apartheid regime. It is named after an original fruit and vegetable market which was located there. Its also known as the Old Indian Market or the Newtown Market, which closed after 60 years. The Market Theatre was renamed John Kani Theatre in 2014 after the renowned South African stage actor John Kani.
The Market Theatre, based in the downtown bohemian suburb of Newtown in Johannesburg, South Africa, was opened in 1976, operating as an independently, anti-racist theatre during the country's apartheid regime. It is named after an original fruit and vegetable market which was located there. Its also…

დროის გატარების უნიკალური ვარიანტები ახლომახლო

ერთი დღე იობურგში
Მაბონენგის ქუჩის ხელოვნებისა და კულტურის ტური
Ბრამფონტეინის გემო ხელოვნებისა და კულტურის მეშვეობით

ადგილობრივების რჩევები

Miriam Makeba Street
Johannesburg, GP