ვარიანტების გასაცნობად დაიწყეთ საძიებო მოთხოვნის აკრეფა. ნავიგაციისთვის გამოიყენეთ კლავიშები ზემოთ ან ქვემოთ მიმართული ისრებით. ასარჩევად გამოიყენეთ კლავიში Enter. არჩეული ფრაზა საძიებო ველს დაემატება, ბმულის არჩევის შემთხვევაში კი ბრაუზერში შესაბამისი გვერდი გაიხსნება.
სამართლებრივი პირობები

დანართი კონფიდენციალურობის შესახებ კოლუმბიაში

If you reside, book, or offer a listing in Colombia, this Colombia Privacy Supplement applies to you, in addition to the Airbnb Privacy Policy and the Outside of the US Supplement.

You acknowledge that the legal bases for processing personal data under the General Data Protection Regulation by Airbnb Ireland UC and/or Airbnb Payment UK Ltd. are those that are described in the Airbnb Privacy Policy and in the Outside of the US Supplement.

1. Identification of the Controller

    Payments Services for all activities: Airbnb Payments UK Ltd., 100 New Bridge Street, London, EC4V 6JA, United Kingdom, https://www.airbnb.com.co, e-mail dpo@airbnb.com, and telephone number (+57) 15085614.

    All other activities: Airbnb Ireland UC, 8 Hanover Quay, Dublin 2, Ireland, https://www.airbnb.com.co, e-mail dpo@airbnb.com, and telephone number (+57) 15085614. 

    2. Sensitive Data Processing

      Airbnb may access and process sensitive data in accordance with applicable law and shall obtain explicit and informed consent prior to such access and processing where required. By accepting the Airbnb Privacy Policy, the Outside of the US Supplement, and this Colombia Privacy Supplement, you acknowledge that Airbnb is informing you of the discretionary nature of providing sensitive data to us unless required or allowed by applicable law. Sensitive data includes, but is not limited to, data related to information pertaining to your racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs, membership in trade unions or social organizations, sexual life, health, or biometric data. 

      3. Minors’ Data Processing

        Per our Terms of Service, registration is only permitted for legal entities, partnerships, and natural persons who are 18 years or older.

        4. Your Rights

          You have rights as set forth in the Privacy Policy, the Outside of the US Supplement, and the following subject to applicable law:

          • Free access to the personal data processed by the Controller and
          • Request proof of consent provided to the Controller, unless such consent is expressly exempted as a requirement for the processing, in accordance with Article 10 of Law 1581 of 2012 (or the legal provisions modifying it).

          5. Procedure to Exercise Your Rights

          To exercise your rights and send inquiries visit the Outside of the US Supplement or send an email to dpo@airbnb.com.

          მიიღეთ დახმარება ჯავშნებთან, ანგარიშთან და სხვა საკითხებთან დაკავშირებით.
          შესვლა ან რეგისტრაცია