ვარიანტების გასაცნობად დაიწყეთ საძიებო მოთხოვნის აკრეფა. ნავიგაციისთვის გამოიყენეთ კლავიშები ზემოთ ან ქვემოთ მიმართული ისრებით. ასარჩევად გამოიყენეთ კლავიში Enter. არჩეული ფრაზა საძიებო ველს დაემატება, ბმულის არჩევის შემთხვევაში კი ბრაუზერში შესაბამისი გვერდი გაიხსნება.

განსხვავება თანამასპინძლებსა და მასპინძელთა გუნდებს შორის

There are two ways to get support hosting on Airbnb: Hosting teams and Co-Hosts.

A hosting team manages a place on behalf of the renter or owner, including their online listings and guests. The team may be a business or group of people the owner has a legal contract with.

Co-Hosts are more casual—like friends, family members, or a trusted person hired by the listing owner—who help the listing owner manage their listing and reservations. A Co-Host’s permissions are set by the listing owner and determine what they can help with.

How they’re presented to guests

  • Hosting teams: The account owner is always shown as the primary Host on a listing
  • Co-Hosts: The listing owner is the primary Host by default but may designate a full-access Co-Host to be shown as the primary Host

Access and permissions

  • Hosting teams: Team members may be able to access the transaction history and perform other in-depth functions, provided they’re granted those permissions by the account owner—learn about hosting team permissions
  • Co-Hosts: The listing owner chooses the Co-Host’s permission level based on what support the listing owner requires:
    • Full access: The Co-Host has full access to inbox, calendar, and transaction history, plus listing and Co-Host management
    • Calendar and inbox access: The Co-Host can message guests and view but not edit the calendar
    • Calendar access: The Co-Host can view but not edit the calendar

Find out more about what Co-Hosts can do.

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    დაკავშირებული სტატიები

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    შესვლა ან რეგისტრაცია